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Právě je únor 14th, 2025, 10:03 pm

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Mod Title Version Description Author Location
 ACP Add User MOD   1.1.3   Enables an Administrator to create a new user account through the Administration Control Panel
Adds an extra permission to allow administrator to create a new user account.
Gives the administrator the ability to instantly approve a new member after creation.
Rich McGirr Website
 Activity Stats MOD   1.0.2   - Lists of all registered users who have visited the board in the last 24 hours.
- Lists stats on the number of new posts, new topics and new users within the last 24 hours.
Highway of Life Website
 Advertisement Management   1.0.10   Adds an easy to use Advertisement Manager to a phpBB3 forum. EXreaction Website
 Allowed Extensions Mod   1.0.1   Displays the allowed extensions for attachments when making a post or creating a PM. RMcGirr83 Website
 Announcement Centre   1.2.5   dds an Announcement Box to the Index Page. Features:
- Enable/Disable Announcement
- (Guest) Announcement Preview
- BBCode/Smilie enabled Announcements
- Possibility to show different Announcements to Guest users
- Possibility to show birthdays as announcements (display of avatars possible)
- Option to show Announcements to Guests only, group(s) only or everyone
- (Guest) Announcement Title configurable
- Option to show pages on all pages or on index page only ... and more :)
lefty74 Website
 Annual Stars   1.0.1c   Users get a star for each year of their membership. bonelifer ,evil3 Website
 Mark edited posts as unread   1.0.1   This MOD mark edited post as unread, if there are the last message in a topic Théonaute Website
 Milestone Congratulations   1.2.8   Enables the setup of milestones for members to reach. These may consist of (numbers freely adjustable): Making the 1000th post, creating the 1000th topic or registering as the 50th user. The user accomplishing a goal will be displayed on the index page until the next milestone is reached. Upon reaching a milestone the counter automatically increments by an (once again) adjustable amount. MartectX Website
 Mods Database   1.0.7   Adds a simple Mods Database for keeping track of the mods installed on the board with possibility to add various additional information.
Mod detail page to view the additional information, admins with appropriate permissions will be able to see installation date on mod detail page.
lefty74 Website
 phpBB Gallery   1.1.6   An image-gallery integrated into your phpbb-board. nickvergessen Website
 recaptcha v2   1.0 1.0  recaptcha v2 google
 Special and Normal Rank Images   1.2.3   This MOD will allow users with special ranks (e.g. Administrators) to have a normal rank image in addition to their special rank image in topics and on their profile page. IBBoard Website
 Username Colour Change MOD   1.0.2   Gives the option to permitted users to change own username colour. Admins can change username colours at ACP. mtrs
 Warning Reasons   1.0.4   Allows an Administrator to set reasons for giving a warning. RMcGirr83 Website
Stránka 1 z 1 [ 14 Mods installed ]

Všechny časy jsou v UTC + 1 hodina [ Letní čas ]

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